Dinh-Dung Nguyen, PhD

Dinh-Dung Nguyen, PhD

Dinh-Dung Nguyen, PhD



Molecular Genetics Specialist


  • Medical Genetics



  • Perform diagnostic and screening test for hereidtary and genetic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disease.
  • Research interests: 1) Applications of gene-editing technology (CRISPR/Cas9) on treatment of genetic diseases; 2) Immunogenetics.

  • 2014: Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology – Sheffield Hallam University
  • 2015: Master of Science in Biotechnology – Sheffield Hallam University
  • 2022: Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science – Northumbria University

  • 2016-2016: R&D specialist – BIMEDTECH company
  • 2016-2022: Genetic researcher – Vinmec Research Institute of Stem cell and gene technology
  • 2022-present: Molecular Genetics Specialist – Vinmec Hitech centre

  • 03 international publications
  • 01 national pulication

  • Bristish Society of Immunology