MSc, Specialist Level 1 Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh

MSc, Specialist Level 1 Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh

MSc, Specialist Level 1 Doctor Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh

Languages spoken: Vietnamese


Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, MD, Specialist Level I has had 30 years of experience in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with a focus on Musculoskeletal and Neurological Rehabilitation for adults and children.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, MD, Specialist Level I has participated in numerous international scientific conferences on medicine in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Japan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillipine, and Thailand. Especially, she is the fomer Vice-President of Vietnam Rehabilitation Association.


Doctor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


  • Orthopaedics and Sport Medicine



  • Rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders including back pains, neck pains, degeneration of the spinal column and lumbar spine, cervical disc herniation, lumbar disc herniation, ankylosing spondilitis, scoliose, osteoporose…
  • Rehabilitation for rheumatoid arthristis, osteoarthritis, Goutt…
  • Neurological Rehabilitation for central nervous system diseases such as cerebrovascular accident, cerebral hemorrhage, emboli, infarction causing hemiplegia, brain tumor…
  • Rehabilitation for diseases of soft tissues restricting movement of joints as calcification, tendonitis, bursitis, carpal turnel syndrome, compression syndrome…
  • Rehabilitation for congenital child abnormalities such as spinal curvature, club foot, mental retardation, autism, speech delay, and mental retardation…

Dr. Binh has undertaken a wide range of intensive training abroad including training courses in Rehabilitation for Elderly People in Japan, Rehabilitation for People with Mental Retardation and Cardiovascular Diseases in Israel, Community-based Rehabilitation in Thailand…

She has participated in many international medical conferences in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Japan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillipine, and Thailand.

Vietnam Rehabilitation Association

Member of the Advisory Council For Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health

National Trainer of the Community-based Rehabilitation Program of the Ministry of Health