MSc, Specialist Level 1 Doctor Nguyen Trung Nghia

MSc, Specialist Level 1 Doctor Nguyen Trung Nghia

MSc, Specialist Level 1 Doctor Nguyen Trung Nghia

Languages spoken: Vietnamese


MSc. Dr. Nguyen Trung Nghia is an expert working in the field of Mental Health. He graduated valedictorian in Residency Psychiatry, with a Master’s degree and a First Degree Specialist from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City.

MSc.Dr. Nguyen Trung Nghia has completed intensive training courses in Psychiatry, Sleep Medicine, rTMS, and Psychological Therapies in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Japan.

In addition to his role as a clinician, Dr. Trung Nghia is also a visiting lecturer at the Department of Psychology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU – HCM) and Hoa Sen University. He has trained mental health caring skills for more than 90 companies (AIA, PWC, FPT, Tiki, Momo…), organizations (US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, KARMA, AIESEC) and universities (Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Natural Sciences, Fulbright University…).

Currently, BS. Trung Nghia is working at Vinmec Times City Mental Health Care Center as Deputy Director and teaches at VinUni Medical School as Psychiatry Clerkship Director.

His treatment philosophy: “Cooperative Therapy. You are the one who knows best about your life and your issues. I have been trained to know a little bit about how to deal with those problems. We work TOGETHER to overcome mental health challenges and seek happiness.”


Psychiatrist, Vice Director of Intergrated Mental Health Care Center, Director Clerkship of Psychiatry (VinUni Medical Collage)


  • Others



  • Specialized on Group of Patients: adolescent, young adults, middle-age, elderly people.
  • Assess and Diagnose mental health disorders: depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, psychosis (delusions and hallucinations), bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive, post-trauma, substance abuse, behavioral disorders in dementia, personality disorders, dissociative disorders, eating and sexual disorders,… 
  • Create Individualized Treatment Plan based on Medical Evidence :
    • Pharmacological treatment: medication selection based on personalization factors, side effects management, and adjustment based on treatment efficacy monitoring
    • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS): ultize magnetic field (safe, non-invasive) to affect certain parts of the brain, treating mental health disorders. Applied for patients who are not suitable for pharmacological therapy (ie. pregnant and lactating women), or pharmacological resisted patients.
    • Sleep medicine: treatment of sleep disorders by pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. Using i-CBT therapy to help patients gain healthy sleep care habits. Use polysomnography and psychometric scales to assess sleep quality, actual hours of sleep, and detect causes of sleep disturbances.
  • Combined with Psychotherapists at the Center, forming a comprehensive team to take care of the mental health of patients/clients in the most optimal way.

2021 – 2023:

• Training in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS) in Mental Health Disorders   Maastrich University – The Netherlands

• Training on Mindfulness Born Peace and Happiness Therapy (MBPH) – Breathe and Smile Center – Hong Kong

• Training in Mindfulness-based therapies applied in Mental Health Treatment – Thai Plum Village International Practice Center – Thailand

2017 – 2020:

• Resident Doctor, First Degree Specialist, Master of Psychiatry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

• Intensive training courses in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan

2011 – 2017: Doctor of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

  • From April 2023: Deputy Director of Mental Health Care Center – Vinmec Times City International Hospital
  • 2021 – 2023: Head of Mental Health Unit, Hoan My Sai Gon Hospital
  • 2020 – 2021: Team Leader of Psychiatric Residents, Psychiatric Hospital HCMC
  • 2017 – 2019: Team Leader of Psychiatric Residents, Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital

  • The Vietnam Psychiatric Association
  • Vietnam Society of Sleep Medicine (VSSM)
  • The American Psychiatric Association


  • Intermediate effects of mindfulness practice on the brain activity of college students: An EEG study, IBRO Neuroscience Reports, Volume 14, 2023, Pages 308-319, ISSN 2667-2421,


  • Rare Case Report: Akathisia with Genital Manifestation, The Proceeding of Hoan My Sai Gon Hospital’s Medical Scientific Conferences 2022
  • Prevalence of depressive disorders in a primary care setting in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a cross-sectional epidemiological study” – The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine (2022) Link


  • COVID-19 pandemic: what is the solution for mental health, A Review Article in Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh city COVID-19 scientific journals. Link
  • Mental Health Issues in the post-COVID-19 era, A Review Article in The Proceeding of Hoan My Sai Gon Hospital’s Medical Scientific Conferences 2021, p.29-50. Link
  • Mental Health in COVID-19 Pandemic and Long-COVID Syndrome, A Review Article in The Proceeding of the Scientific “COVID-19 Vaccine: Researching and Applying” – Open University, p.263-277. Link


  • Reliability and Validity of Vietnamese Version of Patient Health Questionnaire 9 Items (PHQ-9) Among UMP Medical Freshmen. In 8th International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam. BME 2020. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 85. Springer, Cham.
  • The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Among Various Subject Groups: A Literature Review. In 8th International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam. BME 2020. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 85. Springer, Cham.



  • Immediate effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction – Poster Presentation Award Winner of BrainConnects Conferences 2021
  • New Onset of Psychotic Symptoms after mRNA-based COVID-19 Vaccine: A Case Report – Poster presentation in Hoan My Sai Gon Hospital’s Medical Scientific Conferences 2021
  • Reliability and Validity of Vietnamese Version of Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) Among UMP Medical Students – honored the 2nd prize in the poster contest of UMP HCMC Annual Technology and Science Conference 37th 2021



  • Validity and Reliability of the Vietnamese version of PHQ-9 among medical students  – master thesis, published by UMP HCMC, Vietnam


  • Development of Self-esteem and Social Skills among children from five to seven years old – undergraduate thesis, published by UMP HCMC, Vietnam


Independent project


  • Sleep Deprivation Effects on the Cognitive Function of Medical Students – honored the 1st prize in UMP Student Research Contest